To be used as a way to set and manage basic farm safety for all staff.

How many times have you reminded staff of speed limits, wearing helmets, being calm around the cows etc? Save yourself the bother and invest in a set of compactly bound rules that can be easily hung in the dairy, attractively written on waterproof paper.

A set of common sense rules not only avoids the need to continually repeat yourself to the staff but also sets the boundaries.

Safety and a culture of safety are easier to achieve when everyone is working from the same guidelines. Directing relief staff to the rules is also a very time efficient and hassle-free way of communicating behaviour expectations.

As an employment tool, having a written set of rules can make disciplinary measures easier if the need occurs.

The set includes rules on;

 Quad bike
 2 wheel bike
 Chemicals & Fuel
 Farm Hazards

As a further safety feature, emergency numbers and instructions, are listed on the front.

Providing rules is part of the Workable Farm Safety package.